Tuesday, January 25, 2011

holding still

in an effort to live intentionally and keep some of my a fore mentioned resolutions...
i recently put aside doing and tried some enjoying...
i relaxed on my bed and read a book (for a few minutes!!) while a big pile of laundry quietly waited to be folded!

i even managed to capture the moment on film!

(elia took the pics!)


Melissa said...

I finally got to catch up on your life (since talking almost everyday doesn't count!) p.s.love the new look of your blog and I'm going to hold you to every single resolution.

Melissa said...

Why doesn't anyone comment? You need more comments on your blog.

Melissa said...

You have so many friends out there, do they even know about your blog, have you shared this bit of info with them?

Melissa said...

Just teasin'