we celebrated nine years of marriage last week...
we met in a hospital room...ten months later we were married.
i had been visiting a friend, said my goodbyes and left the room.
but i forgot the bag of cantelope my friend had given me and returned to the room.
i was grabbing the bag when dan walked in.
i went back for some fruit, ended up with a husband!
we've lived in four different cities, ten different homes, scrapped our way through five years of medical school/research and three years of residency(two more to go!) all while enjoying the loud lives of four amazing children.
we have argued, laughed, screamed, cried, failed and succeeded way more than either of us ever thought we would, or could!
God has used us to make each other more holy, more patient, more forgiving, and way more loving.
each moment has been way "more" than i ever thought it would be...
and totally worth it!
thank you dan, for your daily submission to His will for our lives..."out of reverence for Christ"
i love you babe and i would say yes again...even though