then we set up our own summer camp at gram and papa's house and had the best 10 days ever!
every day was full of swimming in papa and gram's fun pool...swimming after breakfast, swimming before lunch, after lunch, after dinner...pretty much every free minute was spent in the pool! (i was usually in the pool with them, so i managed to get 0 pics of the water logging...but it was a blast!)
one of the days we woke up extra early and ate bagels in the van as we drove to SF to spend some priceless time with some treasured friends!! it was a very full day of remembering all that we loved in the city!
here are some highlights of our sweet retreat...
sleeping in as long as we wanted to (if you look closely, you will see two sleepy heads in those piles of blankets!)
soakin in the rays and enjoying a great pool/splash pad
watching papa pretend to be reading a book while he was really just taking an afternoon nap
dancing away a slow summer afternoon
posing for a cousins photo (um, which of us has four kids, and which of us has three??)
filling up on some yummy take out (i asked a stranger to take this so i could prove to myself later that i am able to take all four kids out to eat by myself!)
breakfast at gram and papa' of my favorite parts...sleeping in, going slow, enjoying the cool morning breezes on the porch...ah!
tracking down some amazing wildly organic blackberries
it took some hiking through knee high weeds(or neck high, depending on who you are!) and some clever looking skills, but we found a few plump ones!
of course, i had to work even harder at keeping them in their bowls...
don't worry, we saved some!
but then we ate them!
thanks to ALL of our family for our great summer camp getaway!
a special thanks to our awesome aunt anissa who answered our call to fly out from new temporary home in o'fallon, il!!! we loved having some time with you!
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